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Garden Wisdom Blog — category: Seed Talk

Succession Planting

category: Articles and Instructions category: Garden Resources category: Seed Talk

Succession Planting

Winter is finally over, and spring has arrived. It’s time to plant seeds! Many gardeners make the mistake of thinking of seed planting as a one time, annual event, as though it was something to get over and done with to make the arrival of spring official. There are two very good reasons not to think this way. The first is that you don’t want the whole crop to be ready all at once. The second is that by using succession planting, you can reap your harvest over a longer period. One of the best pieces of advice for newbie...

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Seeds to Start in March

category: Articles and Instructions category: Seed Talk

Seeds to Start in March

  The last average frost date for south coastal British Columbia is March 28. This is a handy reference point for all your garden planning. Basically, this is the month gardeners in this region must use to get ready to take full advantage of the growing season ahead. Below is a list of seeds to start in March. By starting your seeds in March, they will be ready for transplanting into the garden by the time the nighttime temperatures have warmed up in May. Other seeds actually benefit from cool weather and the risk of frost, and they are shown...

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Twelve Must-Have Seeds for 2017

category: Articles and Instructions category: Garden Resources category: Seed Talk

Twelve Must-Have Seeds for 2017

One of the best things about working with seeds is the time we spend in seed trials, trying new varieties and comparing traits. We are completely spoiled by the multitude of fruits and vegetables that we grow, as well as the produce from local farms. Over the years I have adopted a list of what I consider to be the must-have, cannot-do-without seeds that have earned a place in my annual garden rotation. I’m always keen to try new varieties, and some of these are very recent additions. Tastes vary, of course, but I am often asked to make recommendations....

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Andrea Bellamy's Top Patio Picks

category: Articles and Instructions category: Garden Resources category: Seed Talk

Andrea Bellamy's Top Patio Picks

Author and blogger Andrea Bellamy recommends these varieties for container growing on balconies and in other small spaces. These seeds are perfect for the urban grower or part-time farmer who lacks garden space, but wants to grow a little food. Plant these seeds in pots with good drainage holes using store-bought, bagged potting soil. Maxibel filet organic bush – Excellent flavour, super productive compact plants. Use a 5 gallon pot or larger. Sugar Ann snap pea – Bushy plants that don’t need a trellis. Use a 5 gallon pot or larger. Sungold cherry tomato – Tall vine plants that do...

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What are Genetically Engineered Seeds?

category: Articles and Instructions category: Garden Resources category: Seed Talk

What are Genetically Engineered Seeds?

When asked the question, “What are genetically engineered seeds?” we explain that scientists can now bypass the traditional breeding methods of manipulating plant characteristics. Rather than cross-breeding plants, they can work directly with plant DNA — the genetic code containing the blueprint for all characteristics. Scientists can now take pieces of this code with the qualities they want and insert them into any cell. Genetic modification of seeds primarily occurs to make plants resistant to herbicides or pesticides. The field can then be sprayed, leaving the modified plants unharmed. This process is used mainly in crops grown on an industrial...

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