Garden Wisdom Blog — pests
Lupin Aphids
aphid category: Articles and Instructions category: Garden Resources category: Insects Pests and Diseases lupins organic pests

Through April and May we enjoyed a very robust display of lupins planted around our farmhouse and over the septic berm. The blue and purple flowers were visible from the nearby overpass and painted a streak of colour across the property. These perennial flowers begin to bloom just after the last frost date, and usually finish just before the end of spring. Lupin flowers are rich in nectar, so they’re great for feeding domestic and wild bees. Like other members of the family Fabaceae, they fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil that will feed other plants, including food crops. Some...
Radish Problems
category: Articles and Instructions category: Garden Resources category: Vegetable Talk how-to-grow organic pests radish seeds

It’s tempting to imagine, when planting a row of spring radishes, that they will be ready in perfect shape at harvest time, free from blemishes, and wholly uniform in size and shape. Typically, though, this is not the case. There are a number of common radish problems that can result from environmental impacts and a handful of garden pests. And there are some practical measures the home gardener can take to minimize them. Uniformity A commercial radish grower who contracts with grocery store distribution might opt for one of the hybrid varieties that have been bred for uniform growth. These...