Welcome to the WCS fundraising site. If you are NOT looking to purchase as part of a fundraiser, please click here to visit westcoastseeds.com
Welcome to the WCS fundraising site. If you are NOT looking to purchase as part of a fundraiser, please click here to visit westcoastseeds.com
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Welcome to the West Coast Seeds fundraising organizer’s page.

Please read over the Terms & Conditions, the Fundraising Tips, and the FAQ page before you get started. If you have any questions or concerns, please email community@westcoastseeds.com or contact the West Coast Seeds Fundraising Coordinator at 1-888-804-8820 (toll-free) or 604-952-8820 (local).

Applications are now open until November 8th for the 2025 season. Please check the terms and conditions page before filling in your application.

Once your application is approved, you will need to confirm that you are still interested in running the fundraiser.

When this has been confirmed, we will set up your online account and send out your WCS account information. 

How to share:

      • Let your community/school members know how they can order seeds, using the premade social media posts or QR code 
      • Clearly state the purpose of the campaign and how the funds will be used by adding your story to your portal.

         How to order:

        **Important note: Only orders that are placed on the fundraising website will qualify for the discount. **

        Once your campaign is complete, please contact the West Coast Seeds Community Roots Program Coordinator to get your master order finalized.

          • Orders will be fulfilled and shipped within 30 days of your campaign end date. Shipping is free, and a tracking number will be provided for the order.

            **All participants' orders will arrive in one shipment. We will provide you with bags to pack your orders.**

            **If more time is needed to complete the fundraiser, please let us know so that we don’t close your online account.**

            **Late orders will no longer be accepted due to the high volume of fundraising groups.**

            ** The West Coast Seeds fundraising program is seasonal. Please plan to run your fundraiser between November 15th and February 15th.**