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Garden Wisdom Blog — category: Organic Growing

Starting Tomatoes Indoors

category: Articles and Instructions category: Garden Resources category: Organic Growing

Starting Tomatoes Indoors

There’s nothing quite as perfect as a ripe tomato – that distinctive fresh, green smell of a sun-warmed fruit that bursts in your mouth. It speaks of the summer’s heat like nothing else in the garden, but it does require starting tomatoes indoors. If you’re yearning for that fresh tomato taste, you have a few months to go. But there’s something you can do to prepare. By planting your tomato seeds indoors, you’ll give them a head start on growth, helping them become big, vigorous summer tomato plants. While you can often buy tomato plants at the garden store in...

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Spring is on the Way

category: Articles and Instructions category: Garden Resources category: Organic Growing

Spring is on the Way

Have you heard the chickadees chatting about their spring plans? Yes, spring is on the way. The birds know it and the plants know it too, as the tiny tops of bulbs begin to emerge from the soil. Gardeners are good at celebrating spring. In the winter, we dream of future plants, making garden plans and ordering seeds. When spring comes, we’re more than ready for action. But what action should you take? Here’s what you can do to get your garden ready for the season. As we stand on the cusp of spring, take stock of any vegetables that...

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Converting Lawn Into Something Useful

category: Articles and Instructions category: Garden Resources category: Organic Growing

Converting Lawn Into Something Useful

Lawn is unsustainable. For all its demands of water and mowing energy, it gives nothing in return. Space that could be used for growing food, or even simple wildflowers, is dedicated instead to endlessly demanding, non-native grass. On a suburban cul de sac, there may be ten or more homes, each a sprinkler system for irrigation and each with at least one machine for manicuring lawn. Several of these households may also sprinkle their lawns with chemical fertilizers that wash into the broader environment. So how can these spaces be converted into something worth caring for? Removing the sod by...

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Seedy Christmas Gifts

category: Articles and Instructions category: Garden Resources category: Organic Growing

Seedy Christmas Gifts

An empty lot and a bag of seed bombs: it’s the perfect Christmas gifts for gardeners. These little balls of seeds are easy to toss into neglected areas, creating tiny wildlife habitats for bees, birds, and butterflies. They also make great garden starter kits for those who are new to gardening. What is a seed bomb? It’s a ball of compost and seeds stuck together with clay. While seeds have their own little stash of nutrients inside them, placing them in a nutrient-rich seed bomb gives them an even better head start. These balls of seeds have historically been tools...

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Saving the Harvest

category: Articles and Instructions category: Garden Resources category: Organic Growing

Saving the Harvest

Preserving Summer Morning chill and shorter daylight hours signify the slowing down of the summer garden. We harvest and share the last of our favourites–tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, corn, peppers, but we also want that summer taste in the cold of winter. Saving the Harvest can be accomplished in many ways. Extend the pleasure of a garden by: Dehydrating: Slice fruits and vegetables, including seeded squash, and place in a single layer. In the oven, dehydrate at 52°C (125°F) for 6-12 hours. When dry and brittle, store in mason jars for use in soups, sauces, and baked goods. This technique is...

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