How To Grow — category: How to Grow Flowers
How to Grow Wallflowers
This perennial is usually grown as an annual. It is often listed under its synonym name Cheiranthus cheiri or under its common name Agean Wallflower. It is to grow wallflowers from seed, just follow these instructions. Latin Erysimum cheiri (syn. Cheiranthus cheri) Family: Brassicaceae Difficulty Easy Season & Zone Exposure: Full sun to partial shade Zone: 3-9 Timing Direct sow in early spring when a light frost is still a possibility, or direct sow in the fall in mild winter areas. Erysimum is very susceptible to damping off, but if you want to try sowing indoors, do so 4-8 weeks before...
How to Grow Zinnias
There’s no mistaking the colour and stature of annual Zinnias.Follow this handy How to Grow Zinnias from seeds guide below and grow some colour in your garden this summer. Plant Zinnias seeds in average, well-drained garden soil, but dig in a generous amount of well-rotted manure the previous fall. Pinch off growing tips early in the season for bushier growth. Water regularly, keeping leaves as dry as possible. Deadhead regularly. Feed once in early spring, and again once flowering has begun. Latin Zinnia elegans Family: Asteraceae Difficulty Easy Season & Zone Exposure: Full sun Zone: 2-10 Timing Direct sow after...
How to Grow Scabiosa
Scabiosa is sometimes listed as Sweet Scabious or Pincushion Flower. It is easy to plant and grow Scabiosa seeds. Latin Scabiosa atropurpurea Family: Disacaceae Difficulty Easy Season & Zone Exposure: Full sun Zone: 1-10 Timing Sow indoors 8 – 10 weeks before planting out. Sow outdoors in early spring, when a risk of light frost is still possible. In mild winter areas, seeds can be sown in the fall. Starting Barely cover the small seeds. Space plants 30-45cm (8-12″) apart. Growing Deadhead regularly. Grow in average, humus-rich well drained soil with pH in the 7.0 to 8.0 range. Cut back to the...
How to Grow Sweet Peas
Sweet peas (Lathyrus odoratus) are an annual climbing plant which can grow to heights of 1–2 meters (six feet). Try to plant in areas with support available. The leaves twine around supporting plants and structures helping the sweet pea to climb. The flowers range with a variety of colours, in the many cultivars. They are are a flowering plant in the genus Lathyrus in the family Fabaceae (legumes), native to Sicily, southern Italy and the Aegean Islands. Annual flowers that are an unmistakable sign of early summer. It is easy to Grow sweet peas. Latin Lathyrus odoratus and others Family: Fabaceae Difficulty Easy Season & Zone Exposure:...
How to Grow Snapdragon
Snap dragons are of the genus Antirrhinum also known as dragon flowers. Snapdragon flowers resemble the face of a dragon that opens and closes its mouth when squeezed . Native to rocky areas of of Europe and the United States and north Africa. Hardy perennials in Zones 5-10, grown as annuals in Zones 1-10. Follow these how to grow snapdragons from seeds, dragon flowers are easy to grow. Latin Antirrhinum majus Family: Plantaginaceae Difficulty Easy Season & Zone Exposure: Full sun to partial shade Zone: See above Timing Start snapdragons indoors, 8-10 weeks before planting out (around the beginning of February on the...