How To Grow — category: How to Grow Flowers
How to Grow Bellis
Here we will examine how to grow Bellis perennis English Daisy from seeds. Bellis is a versatile, low-growing, carpet-forming perennial plant with appealing pom-pon like flowers. General Bellis perennis is usually listed as English Daisy or just Daisy – but the latter could be used to describe any number of flowers. Bellis performs best in cooler gardens, and will fade during the heat of high summer. Latin Bellis perennis Family: Asteraceae Difficulty Easy Exposure: Full sun to partial shade Zone: 3-9 Timing Indoors, sow around 8-10 weeks before planting out. Outdoors: In Zones 3-7, direct sow midsummer to early autumn...
How to Grow Dahlias
Follow this how to grow Dahlias guide for summer bloom success! Plant your Dahlia tubers well after any threat of frost has passed. Preferably when the soil has warmed up to 14-15 ° C (58-60° F). Choose a spot in your garden with full sun and dig a 30x03cm (12×12″) hole. Mix the dug soil with compost and a handful of bone meal. fill the hole until it is 15cm (6″) deep. Stake the taller varieties at the time of plating to avoid damaging the tuber. Place the tuber with its “eye” pointing up. Cover the tuber with 5cm (2″) of the soil mix....
How to Grow Bulbs
Bulbs are easy to plant and easy to grow. Flower Bulbs are broken down into two very general groups – Fall planting bulbs benefit from sitting in cold soil. Spring planting bulbs do not require cold soil to trigger flowering. Fall planting bulbs can be planted any time between late September and January, but most gardeners plant fall bulbs in October and November, about the same time you would plant garlic. Fall planting bulbs will bloom the following spring and early summer. Spring planting bulbs should be sunk into the ground in March and April. They tend to bloom later...
How to Grow Veronica
Veronica is also known as Brid’s-eye and Speedwell. It is a popular hardy perennial that grows upright with intensely blue flowers. It is easy to grow Veronica from seeds. Latin Veronica spicata “Blue Bouquet” Difficulty Easy Season & Zone Exposure: Full sun Zone: 3-10 Timing Sow indoors 8-10 weeks before planting out, or direct sow outdoors in early spring or early autumn. Starting Sow on the surface of the soil, under bright lights if starting indoors. Transplant in early spring for flowers the first year. Growing Water and deadhead regularly, but feed only occasionally. Rich soil results in weak plants....
How to Grow Stocks
Expect sturdy, well-branched plants that produce an abundance of early bright, fragrant flowers. Excellent for cutting. Stocks prefers cool growing conditions. In cold winter areas plant in earliest spring. Where winters are mild set out plants in early fall. Bloom begins in winter or early spring. Annual flowers that are sometimes listed as Gillyflowers. Follow the how to grow stocks instructions and grow some wonderful cut flowers in summer. Latin Matthiola longipetala (syn. M. bicornis, also Cheiranthus longipetalus) Family: Brassicaceae Difficulty Challenging Season & Zone Exposure: Full sun to partial shade Zone: 2-10 Timing Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost, or...