PP676A - Aji Rico
Capsicum baccatum. Aji is a standard pepper throughout South America. One of the reasons it is not well known here is its slow growth and heat demands. Aji Rico really shows the best of what can be achieved through hybrid plant breeding. Compared to many of the open pollinated heirloom peppers, it boasts faster maturity, better vigour, and higher yields. The tasty pods are medium hot, maturing to full size as green chilies in 50-55 days. Add another twenty days for mature red pods, and the sweet, full-bodied flavour that comes with them. The fruits average 8-10cm (3-4") long, with thin walls and a conical shape. The plants are large in stature at 76-91cm (30-36") tall, so they benefit from staking or a trellis. These AAS Award winning peppers retain their floral, citrus flavour in cooking, and the heat level can be reduced by removing the seeds and pith.
Matures in 70-75 days. (Hybrid seeds)
- Early maturing
- Higher yields
- Better vigour
- Large, robust plants
- Matures in 70-75 days
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How To Grow
Peppers are tropical plants that need lots of heat and attention to detail when starting them. Well grown in a warm summer, they are the gardener’s triumph. Interestingly, the hot peppers often do better in a cool summer than the large bell peppers. If the hot peppers have not coloured up fully on your plants, pull up the whole plant and hang in a warm dry area. Follow along with this handy How to Grow Peppers from seeds guide and grow spicy and sweet delight.