RD692A - Wasabi Radish
New to North America, this Japanese heirloom is a medium sized, oblong daikon type. The wasabi-green skin and flesh is crisp and succulent, with a strong heat reminiscent of the much loved Japanese horseradish paste. The flavour is sharp and tear-inducing for lovers of spice. Wasabi radish seeds also make excellent micro-greens, with the spiciness developing early on in its tiny leaves. Radishes can be grown all season but they're easiest when sown March/April and again August through October. Optimal soil temperature: 18-24°C (65-75°F). Seeds should sprout in 5-7 days.
Matures in 60 days. (Open pollinated seeds)
- Wasabi-green skin and flesh
- Crisp, crunchy flesh
- Eye-watering heat
- Matures in 60 days
- Open pollinated seeds
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How To Grow
Time your radish plantings a week apart for a longer harvest period. The secret to growing a great radish is to plant when the weather is cool, to not plant too close together and to harvest promptly before the roots get woody and bitter. Every part of the radish is edible. If you leave some of your radishes to go to seed you’ll find the pods before seed set are tender and juicy with a wonderfully sharp flavour that is excellent in stir-fries and soups. If you harvest the seeds before they dry they have a taste and texture reminiscent of caviar. Imagine the fresh seeds lightly sautéed with garlic and thyme on a bed of radish leaves. A gourmet delight! Follow along with this handy How to Grow Radishes from seed Guide and crunchy salad delights.