SQ739A - Small Wonder
C. pepo. Brilliant orange little spaghetti squash are stunning nestled in their tidy plants. These have higher beta-carotene than other spaghetti squash. About 1kg (2 lbs) each. Small Wonder spaghetti squash seeds produce heavy yields of fruits that store particularly well. Fruits average 15cm (6") long and 12cm (5") in diameter, so they are celebrated as personal size or single serving size spaghetti squash. Small Wonder performs well out in the field, but also in raised beds. You will get excellent germination from Small Wonder spaghetti squash seeds, and fast spring growth. We recommend interplanting sunflowers with your squash bed, to lure pollinators on site so that you get maximum fruit production from each plant.
Matures in 90 days. (Hybrid seeds)
- Higher beta-carotene than other spaghetti squash
- 1kg (2lb) each
- Store particularily well
- Hybrid seeds
- Matures in 90 days
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How To Grow
The three species of squash that we offer represent a wide variety of shapes and colours. Each will cross-pollinate readily within their species. For instance, all C. pepo will cross-pollinate with each other, but not with C. maxima or C. moschata. For people who want to save their seeds, this is a very important consideration. The fruits themselves will not be affected by cross pollination, but the seeds inside will be, so squash need to be grown in isolation from other members of their species if seed saving is the goal. Follow along with this handy How to Grow Squash from seeds Guide and grow food.