KL438A - Red Russian Organic
Red Russian Organic Kale Seeds grow leaves that are flat, toothed, grey-green leaves with bright purple stems and veins really brighten and sweeten after frosts. Tender for salads and good for bunching, the red and purple hues turn a rich, dark green colour when cooked. Red Russian kale may be richer in vitamins and minerals than other greens and is very disease resistant. Heirloom seeds.
Tender kale leaves are a popular ingredient in baby leaf salad mixes or as full size bunches. This organic strain has very smooth gently lobed baby leaves. Highly cold tolerant, this kale can overwinter in moderate climates. (B. napus.)
Days to maturity: 21 days for baby leaves,50 days to full size
- Tender, sweet leaves great for salads
- Rich in Vitamins
- Cold tolerant, will overwinter.
- Certified organic seeds
- Matures in 20 to 50 days
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How To Grow
Kale contains higher levels of beta-carotene than any other green vegetable, and is also high in vitamin C and calcium. Collards are not far behind. All are easy to grow, vigorous, nutritious, resistant to cold, and easy to harvest and prepare. And the greens even get sweeter after frost. Follow along with this handy How to Grow Kale and Collards from Seeds Guide and grow healthy food! Perfect for juicing and long lasting green that stores well, delicious in crunchy salads.