AS109A - Guelph Millennium
This all male asparagus variety was bred at the University of Guelph. It is much loved for its cold tolerance, its productivity, and the solid green colour of its tasty spears. The foliage is robust and attractive. The purple bracts of Jersey Knight are caused by the presence of anthocyanins, which are only "moderately present" in Guelph Millennium. Choose Guelph Millennium asparagus seeds when planning the asparagus bed for your organic vegetable garden. Growing asparagus from seeds takes several years, but asparagus fresh from the garden is worth all the effort. This is the premium choice for asparagus growers in Canada and the northern US. This variety is a winner of the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Hybrid seeds.
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How To Grow
Planting asparagus seeds is an exercise in patience, but one of the most rewarding of all garden tasks. Asparagus Seeds germinate slowly, and the crowns take three seasons before they can handle being harvested. However the grower’s patience is generously rewarded by early season harvests of asparagus with a flavour you will not find on store shelves anywhere. You will wish you had planted a bigger asparagus bed!