CN382A - Bodacious
Bodacious ears are large at 20cm (8") and very sweet and tender. The husk is an attractive dark-green colour and kernels are bright yellow and tender. Bodacious corn seeds are highly recommended for home grown corn on the cob or freezing, and it keeps its fine flavour and sweetness for several days after harvesting. This is a late maturing variety that can grow to 2.1m (7') tall. This variety features high resistance to Northern Corn Leaf Blight and Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus, with intermediate resistance to Stewart's Wilt. Be sure to wait until the soil is 17°C (64°F) before planting our untreated corn seeds.
Matures in 80 to 90 days. (SE Sugar Enhanced hybrid seeds)
- (se) Sugar Enhanced
- Large 20cm (8") cobs
- Highly recommended for freezing
- Very sweet and tender
- Matures in 80-90 days
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How To Grow
These big plants will grow in almost any soil, but getting the cob to mature is another matter. The maturity of the ears (cobs) is not controlled by the size of the plant, nor by day-length, but by the accumulated heat the plant has had while it grew. They call this the “heat units”. Only temperatures above 50 F count after the last killing frost of spring. Temperatures above 50 F add up to create the heat units. Corn plants generally grow very tall, and will shade other vegetables. Some plants will benefit from this shade, such as lettuce, but heat-loving plants must be placed so that the corn does not shade them. This heavy-feeding plant also provides a stalk for plants such as Pole Beans. Follow along with this handy How to Grow Corn from seeds Guide and grow food.