FL2184A - Classic Magic
A melodramatic mix of light and dark cornflowers: deep plums, moody mauves, light lavendars with purple centres. Some of the darkest flowers feature white tips on each petal. These summer bloomers grow to 80-100 cm (32-40") tall. Excellent in borders and bouquets, and as garnishes in savoury dishes and desserts. Fleuroselect Novelty 2012.
- 2.5-3.8cm (1-1.5") blooms
- Great cut flower
- Edible
- 80-100 cm (32-40") tall
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How To Grow
An annual plant that also answers to Cornflower, Bachelor’s Button, Bluebottle, Hurtsickle, Hardheads, Knapweed, and Star Thistle. We use the genus name to keep it nice and simple. Grows well in any ordinary, well drained garden soil. Seeds will flourish within the pH range of 5.5-7.0. Deadhead regularly to prolong blooming. You will find planting several times over the spring will produce a longer bloom time throughout summer and early fall.