FL1229A - Bridal Silk
Papaver rhoeas. Growing to 40-60cm (15-25") tall, these delicately silky, white poppies with yellow anthers are stunning as they sway in the breeze, especially when grown in free-flowing drifts. The large saucer-shaped flowers bloom in early summer, attracting birds and pollinators. These poppies are deer resistant. Fleuroselect Novelty 2008.
Hardy Annual.
- Unique white colour
- Large flowers
- Deer resistant
- 40-60cm (15-25") tall
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How To Grow
Annual and perennial flowering plants that have striking similarities, but a surprising range of colours and growth habits. It is easy to grow poppies from seeds. You will find they grow and then self-sow with abandon, without becoming weedy. Simply pull up unwanted plants (an easy task) before they bloom, s or better yet, let them tell you where they want to grow. They will thrive for years at a time in surprising spots, like a crack in the driveway.
Papaver nudicaule (perennial), P. rhoeas & P. somniferum (both annual)
Family: Papaveraceae
Season & Zone
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade
Zone: 1-10
Start perennial poppies outdoors in early spring, when some chance of frost is still a possibility. Start annual varieties outdoors at the same time in Zones 3-7. If you live in Zones 8-10, your best bet is to direct sow in the fall.
Poppies are famously difficult to transplant, so starting them indoors is not recommended. If you have to start them indoors, use peat or coir pots, and maintain a soil temperature of 12°C (55°F). Seeds will sprout in 20-30 days.
Sow on the surface of the soil, or barely cover seeds. Thin to a minimum of 15cm (6″) apart.
Poppies are easy to grow and the self-sow with abandon, without becoming weedy. Simply pull up unwanted plants (an easy task) before they bloom, or better yet, let them tell you where they want to grow. They will thrive for years at a time in surprising spots, like a crack in the driveway. Other times, they simply won’t take, no matter how much you try. Keep them moderately well watered in hot, dry weather, and do not fertilize.
For the largest heads on Papaver somniferum, sow seeds in the fall or early winter. Thin plants to allow them some space, and keep the area weeded as plants grow larger. Grow this variety in full sun in well-drained, but ordinary garden soil. If spring and summer are cool and damp, or plants are overcroweded, expect smaller seed heads.