Gardening Glossary
A material that nourishes growing plants. Fertilizers can be chemical or organic. Most chemical materials are derived from non-renewable resources such as coal and natural gas. They provide soluble nutrients that are readily taken up by plants but do not provide food for and sometimes repel soil micro-organisms and earthworms. Treating your soil with only chemical fertilizers can lead to a loss of organic matter, soil structure, and water-holding capacity, making your garden even more dependent on increasing inputs. By contrast, organic fertilizers feed both plants and soils. For the organic gardener, fertilizer is used sparingly to bring out the...
Frost Dates, First and Last
Frost dates are set by finding an average based on the last 20 years. The last frost date for the Vancouver, BC area is March 28. This is the last date, on average, when we might experience frost at night. The first average frost date of autumn falls on November 2 in Vancouver. These dates will be different if you live outside of the Vancouver area. To find your first and last frost dates, search Google for the phrase “average frost date” plus the name of your town or a town nearby. Remember that these dates are averages only, and can...
Soil erosion is when soil structure is damaged and its organic material is washed away. Although erosion happens naturally, many human activities – including deforestation, strip mining, and repeated monocropping – accelerate erosion on very wide scales.
A plant that keeps its leaves year-round. Evergreens are classified according to the shape of their leaves. Narrow-leaved or needle evergreens are typically hardy and include pines, yews, and junipers. Broad-leaved evergreens tend to be more sensitive to the cold and include rhododendrons and azaleas.

Healthy and happy plants are naturally resistant to diseases. Organic gardening methods such as composting, crop rotation, and cover cropping help prevent disease by producing more vigorous plants and supporting thriving communities of beneficial soil organisms. Diseases are caused by pathogens such as fungi, viruses, bacteria, and certain species of nematodes.